VIII b class

Being students of The Science and Maths High School, Burgas we can't miss the chance to say a few words about our classes! So lets start with VIII b!

There are 28 people in our class, as most of us have been in it since 2005 (IV grade), when we sat for a Maths exam. Two classes were formed back then- "a" and "b", and luckily we turned out to be in one of them. Then there were a few changes in sixth grade- a new student, called Dimo, arrived, because of his performance in a maths competition and another one, called Angel, who had been absent for half a school year due to a disease, had to repeat the grade.

In VII grade a transfer student from Kazakhstan, named Iliyas, came to our class. He had studied in a maths high-school back in his country but then his father moved to work in Burgas for two years, so he had to come and live with him.

This year we had 7 new classmates and 5 who left our class-2 of them (named Maria and Aleksandar) went to different schools, Iliyas went back to his country a year earlier than he was supposed to, and the last two (named Elena and Pavel Kosev) moved to different classes. Except for theses changes, our class is still the same as it was before and that makes it a lot easier to get along, even with the newbies. We’ve got used to the school and so we can easily help the new people to adapt.

In the few years we’ve been through, we have had many quarrels and there are still, probably, many more to come, but they’ll simply make our class stronger. We’ve had discipline problems the first two years, for instance, but we successfully got over them.

Our class has gone to a few school trips and Maths competitions in different cities, which contributed to the uniting of our class. Our best Maths talents are Dian Popov, Anastas Vasilev, Pavel Kishev, Iva Aleksieva and Dimitar Iliev. Dian Popov and Anastas have participated in several international competitions. Each one of us has won several prizes and has had excellent performances through the years. We're hoping that this year won't make an exception! Denica, Stoyan, Pavel Kishev, Dimitar, Simeon, Iva, Zornica, Dora are part of this project!

Ana Dyadkova- Burgas in the past, present and future

The Bridge

The Sea Garden- a view from the bridge

Port of Burgas

A chemistry lesson 30 years ago

One of the first students to ever write on the school's black boards

The 1991 graduates

The current headmaster Stancho Slavov (to the right) along with his deputy Galia Valkanova and the deputy minister of Education- Kircho Atanasov

The school nowadays

Students from IX grade in the first school day of the year

First certificate in English of a student from the school

The headmaster with a student, who has been awarded second prize at the Balkan Mathematical Olympiad

Just some of the awards the students of the school have won.

Students, who have taken part in an international Maths contest in Thailand, are being awarded.

Students, holding the Bulgarian flag in Thailand.

Students participating in a basketball contest

The male basketball team- Champions, 1997. Trainer- Petar Boev

One of the school's ping-pong tables

The school's new racing track

Anamaria Koeva- Autumn

Kamen Velev- Trifon Zarezan

Vencislav Valkanov- Trifon Zarezan

Some students of our school, taking part in a play.

The entrance from the outside (up) and from the inside (down)

The delicious pastries that the cafeteria offers

The medical office

The notice board, right in front of the front door

The gym

One of the computing rooms

Missis Tagavova playing the piano

The music room

The uniforms of the students from VIII to XII grade

The uniforms of the students from V to VII

The flag bearers on 24th of May

"...just like climbers, who found an edelweiss stuck in the cliffs"

"...the science is a sacred gift"

" new directions- the bottom of the seas and oceans' beds"

An excursion in Russia

Hanging around in Thailand

Trick or Threat!

Two gypsies and the Sandman... Trick or Threat once again!

A few Snow Whites helping Santa

Making friends with Santa sure helps getting a bigger present on Christmas day... ;)

Egg tapping has never been so much fun!

Love is in the air...

... or on the ground... It's up to you ;)

The 24th of May manifestation

1.Anastas Vasilev is one of the best mathematical talents in the class. He’s a good student with excellent marks and he’s good at sports, especially soccer, too.

2.Aneliya Ivanova is also a very pleasant and cheerful person who likes spending a lot of her time with friends.

3.Anna Vakrilova is a very positive and lively person who likes spending time with friends.

4.Valentin Stoyanov may not be one of the best students but that doesn’t mean he can’t study hard when he has to. He likes joking, hanging out with friends and playing football.

5.Galina Doneva is a very positive person but also a very loud-mouthed one, too. She sometimes tries to contradict the teachers but in most cases, of course, she fails.

6.Denica Dimova likes to have fun a lot and go out with her friends. Her devotion to English and Bulgarian languages makes her one of the best students among us.

7.Diyana Angelovais always a really cheerful and interesting person. She dances ballet and prizes highly her friends.

8.Dimitar Iliev likes to smile all the time (even with no reason) and tries to look at everything in a positive way (the key word here is ‘tries’ ;) ). He likes listening to his MP3 player, sometimes even during classes. His worst nightmare are the history classes.

9.Dimo Boichev- even though he joined the class a little later, he adapted really well and made a lot of new friends. He’s good at computing and loves telling jokes.

10.Dian Popov is the other big Maths talent in the class. He has many competitions and first places behind his back. In his free time he likes playing computer games (mostly Counter Strike).

11.Dora Koprivchina- although not a really eager student, she makes up with in her free spirit. That's why she has many friends, happy to be around her all the time.

12.Elena Lazarova is a former student in our class, who went to another class after the exam-the class for intense studying of computer technologies. Even though she had fewer friends she still managed to become an integral part of our class.

13.Zornica Karidkova is a very lively person and she has many friends. She also dances contemporary dances.

14.Iva Aleksieva likes going out and listening to music, as well as meeting new people, too.

15.Maria Velkova is in a different school now but she still hangs out with a lot of her old classmates. She’s Dimitar Iliev’s step-sister.

16.Nedelcho Vasilev is one of the funniest people in VIII b class! He has a sharp mind and amazing humor. He also studies a lot and is an eager student but we’ll always remember him as ‘lambo’ (don’t ask). He used to train basketball for a few years but he’s not sporty by nature .

17.Nikola Todorov enjoys going to the gym and hanging out with friends. He also really enjoys girls' company.

18.Pavel Kosev is another former member of the class. He’s in the intensive German language class. Kosev doesn’t care about other’s opinion about him. He just likes having fun.

19.Pavel Kishev performs extremely well at competitions and he also trained volleyball two years ago. Now he’s into kickboxing and his looks and friendly personality make him popular among girls.

20.Simeon Todorov is a great football player, but also a really good student. He plays tennis and lifts weights too.

21.Stoyan Penchev is very good at Computing, Science and Biology but he isn't so good at sports. His best friend is Nedelcho and they both can always make you laugh.

22.Hristo Hristov’s favorite sport and hobby is ping-pong and this year he’s trying out at football as well.

23.Hristo Georgiev is the ‘know it all’ of our class. He usually tries to impress girls by arguing with the teachers. His hobby is swimming.

24.Yana Mihaleva is very open-minded and really friendly. She enjoys hanging out with friends.

25.Angel is a very intelligent and hard-working student. It was unfortunate that he got sick and repeated the VI grade but that probably only made him stronger. His favorite subject was history and he really enjoyed wearing suits.

26.Iliyas Esbol is from Kazakhstan. He got used to our class and we were able to understand each other because he knew Russian. At first Nedelcho used to translate for him because he also knew Russian. Iliqs played football really well too and he even accidently broke Hristo Georgiev’s hand with the ball but there were no bad feelings after that.

27.Teodora studies a lot and likes having fun with friends. Her hobby is swimming too.

28.Liudmila smiles and laughs a lot and gets along with the class perfectly.

29.Aleksandar Sivov was the shortest in the class but that didn’t get in his way in training Martial arts. He’s in a different school now but we’ll always remember him as part of our class.

30.Evgenia and Antoaneta are new students. They study really hard and don’t talk much for now but we're sure they'll relax and have many friends in future.

31.Stilyana and Maria Naam are also new students. They also like having fun a lot and get along really well from the very beginning.

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